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The How


The point is not whether you´re vegan, or veggie, or eat meat.

The point is not whether there are two genders, or three, or a thousand.

The point is not whether you smoke tobacco or weed, or don´t,

or do drugs or drink too much, or don´t.

The point is not whether you´re for AI, or against it.

The point is not whether you´re right wing, or left wing, or have no wings at all.

The point is not whether you´re religious or spiritual, or an atheist materialist.

The point is not whether you live in the city and work for a heartless multinational,

or live in nature and grow leeks in a self-sufficient community.


The point is how you believe what you believe.

And how you live what you´re living.

And how you relate to people who don´t believe what you believe.

And how you relate to people who don´t live the way you live.


The point is whether your heart sees everyone is on their path,

that everyone has their story -

that everyone has their reasons.

The point is whether your heart sees

everyone is a universe.

The point is how gently you look upon yourself, and others, and the world.

The point is whether your heart sees

we are all learning -

that everyone is doing their best,

that everyone could do better -

that everyone is perfect,

and that perfection doesn´t exist.


The point is how we travel from birth to death

through the great mystery of existence -

whether we can let ourselves be helped, and cared-for, and seen, and loved -

whether we harden ourselves to others,

and isolate and separate -

or whether we can open to our togetherness,

our oneness.


Try it.

Focus on the how.

Try it with your family and friends.

This is my prediction:

as you all focus on the how

your individualities will find unexpected and kind ways to co-exist.


This is the way we create new societies.

Not by focusing on what we believe, or even on what we do -

but by focusing on how we relate to each other,

and to it all.

Because focusing on the how

changes us.

That is my opinion.


Mark Josephs,

"Mark the Mystic Activist",

Aragon, Spain,

Spring 2025

Mark guides The Conscious Tribes Project.

His stories and poems attempt to capture

something of the mood of "intimacy with existence"

at the heart of a Conscious Tribe.


Seeds of New Local Communities


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